Friday, October 10, 2008

Walking by (with) Faith


In August, Bethany and I took a few days to get away from our normal lives in the mountains of Northeastern New York State. It was gorgeous. We drove to Buffalo first and stayed the night with Bethany's parents (Tim & Cheryl) and left Faith and Mickey (our dog) with them the next morning when we drove out to Friends Lake Inn in the Adirondacks. There, we enjoyed everything from a Six Flags Theme Park, to canoeing, to hiking, to... just plain nothing. And the food at the Inn was to die for... well... almost to die for. It was great. When we drove back to Buffalo, we found that Faith had found a new hobby -- Walking!

In addition to walking, Faith continues to grow in her friendship with Mickey, and they have loads of fun together. Please check out the videos posted here if you haven’t already seen them. It’s amazing, I tell ya… how we never cease to be amazed by our daughter. It’s amazing, that even when she drives us nuts, we can go into her room at night and look at her with such adoring eyes. She is absolutely precious to us, and we thank God every day for the blessing that she is to us.

Yet even a blessing has its moments. Recently, she has become more independent and more defiant at times. And though she is 14 months old – she knows. When she’s going toward the dogs food, or the stairs and we call out her name… she gets that look. You know the look I’m talking about. She turns her head and looks at us intently… as if she is watching us to see when we look away so she can continue about whatever it is she is doing. It’s a look that says, “I know Mommy, I know Daddy… but, I’m testing you.”

Lately, she loves to share. And I mean… everything. She shares her books, she shares her toys, she shares her food. She will be chowing down on a cracker or some apples, and then she’ll hold a piece up to either my mouth or Bethany’s mouth, and say… “gah!” She shares with the dog too, but we’re trying to break her of that. I am surprised by how much she understands. Though she doesn’t say the words, she knows what we are saying. I ask her to bring me a book, and sure enough… she walks over to where her books are and grabs one (or two… or three) and brings it to me. When I ask her to put them back… she puts them right back where they belong. I tell you, she must’ve gotten that one from Bethany… because anyone who knows me, knows I don’t put stuff back where it belongs all the time.

Bethany has taken on some extra responsibility at the church as a member of the steering committee for MOPS (Mothers of Pre Schoolers). MOPS is a program that meets monthly, where (you guessed it) mothers of pre-schoolers gather to give/receive mutual encouragement, partake in various crafts and activities, eat some good food, grow in fellowship and honor the Lord. On the steering committee, she has specifically taken on the role of hospitality coordinator… and she just loves it. She spends a lot of time setting up and planning the decorations for each event. She also welcomes all newcomers and puts together gifts for those who just had a baby or whose children have reached other major milestones in their development. It’s a lot of work, but definitely a blessing to be able to bless others with her gifts.

Things are going fine for me. I will tell you that this job here at the Naval Academy has been such a great opportunity for me as the Lord develops my management skills for whatever He has for me in the future. The Lord is doing some big work in my heart lately. Though the road to the Chaplain Corps is a long one for me in education and ministry experience, the greatest challenge ahead of me is the work that God will be doing in my heart over that time. Please be prayerful for me about that. Just the last two months, He has been doing a major work in me… but imagine spending a few years without taking a bath, and then stepping out into the light and realizing how filthy you really are. Spiritually speaking… that’s how I feel right now. But don’t get me wrong; this is not a bad thing. If anything it is an awesome blessing. Stepping into the light gives us an opportunity to respond to God in obedience in regards to the things that are truly wrong with our lives. And that is how I view this. I just need to continue to be faithful to God in pursuing my relationship with Him… pursuing His Word… pursuing His ways.

Please pray for Bethany, Faith and me as we travel down this road of spiritual renewal.